воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cayene porsche

I�have the best boyfriend in the world.

just woke up he had sent me a message on facebook:
"_____ wrote that she had lost 2 lbs on your wall? like WTF??
Donapos;t let that get to you, youapos;re the most beautiful girl in the world, not to mention youapos;re actually healthy compared to her. Did i mention youapos;re beautiful?"

Well _____ is my best friend from home she used to be like 140 when i was 100 now im 118 shes 100, cause she developed�an ED (no thanks to me). Anyways. Weapos;re super competitive im going to be skinnier than her if it kills me.

makes me feel a little better about what he thinks about me,�but �i definitely still want to be down a few more lbapos;s when he visits on friday.
I havenapos;t seen him since the 2nd week of september, at which time i was 125
atm, my weight keeps going up down between 116 119, its fucked/annoying/depressing
but thats 5lbs gone at least, hopefully�10lb gone by�friday....
hopefully heapos;ll notice...
i would be so sooooo happy :)

anyways, gotta go make some coffee spend the entire day studying ive got a huge midterm tomorrow i am very unprepared, and hence very frightened o_O
wish me luck

love you all hope everyones doing okay<3

costa ricas endangered species, cayene porsche, cayene s, cayene turbo.

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