вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

auction mebane

Past couple of days have been a blur and will continue to be as such until Mid-November. Posting and picture-taking will be sporadic at best. Rather, there wonapos;t be much variety since Iapos;m not going to cool parts of Tokyo.

Had a bit of an emotional melt down today over the fact that I am not understanding Japanese as fast as I hope to. Stewart, that dear soul, tried to keep my optimistic by saying that while he has the better grasp of the grammar, I have been the one to correct him on other things equally as important in Japanese (vocab, how to properly write an essay on the essay paper, etc...) I still was feeling rather defeated and when I went out to go find some place to just collapse into a small ball, a wild Miki appeared. Miki is Thai, and "Miki" is actually just a nickname since being Thai and all, she has an impossible to pronounce and horrendously long first and last name. She was sweet and started to console me. Turns out sheapos;s not doing to hot in J3 and will probably go through Intensive 2 with me (meaning sheapos;s retaking J3 more or less and then learning J4) so for the first half Iapos;ll have someone with experience to lean on.

I didnapos;t do so hot on another test. A little better than the last test (by a whole point) but still, worrisome. Professor Sato had me come to her office today to review the test and she agrees that itapos;s very simple mistakes that Iapos;ve been making. I can turn my grade around, I know it.

After that, I went and talked to Professor Robinson about my term paper and potential future plans. He made the recommendation of if I decide on Graduate School to look into Area Studies, since you can choose a focus and perhaps even find something that might be more to my calling as itapos;s a cross-discipline course. Sounds like a groovy idea.

Get back to the dorm in time for dinner and I decide to email Sho (my surgeon student who offers far, far too much money) about whether or not we can meet again in the next coming weeks, though not until mid-late November due to exams and whatnot. I get this reply back:

"I would like to be your boyfriend. Can you do that?"





I emailed him backing saying, "No, I cannot do that. I am sorry. There is someone waiting for me back home." Hopefully this does not make him decide to stop conversating with me. If all he wanted was a white, American girlfriend, Craigslist might have given better results >_>;

Peace, love and kisses,
auction mebane, auction meares, auction mcsherry.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cayene porsche

I�have the best boyfriend in the world.

just woke up he had sent me a message on facebook:
"_____ wrote that she had lost 2 lbs on your wall? like WTF??
Donapos;t let that get to you, youapos;re the most beautiful girl in the world, not to mention youapos;re actually healthy compared to her. Did i mention youapos;re beautiful?"

Well _____ is my best friend from home she used to be like 140 when i was 100 now im 118 shes 100, cause she developed�an ED (no thanks to me). Anyways. Weapos;re super competitive im going to be skinnier than her if it kills me.

makes me feel a little better about what he thinks about me,�but �i definitely still want to be down a few more lbapos;s when he visits on friday.
I havenapos;t seen him since the 2nd week of september, at which time i was 125
atm, my weight keeps going up down between 116 119, its fucked/annoying/depressing
but thats 5lbs gone at least, hopefully�10lb gone by�friday....
hopefully heapos;ll notice...
i would be so sooooo happy :)

anyways, gotta go make some coffee spend the entire day studying ive got a huge midterm tomorrow i am very unprepared, and hence very frightened o_O
wish me luck

love you all hope everyones doing okay<3

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

area segment circle

It looks like Qwest assigned a new set of IP addresses to their Portland DSL hubs, or at least the ones I connect through. Google apparently does not know what geographic location they are associated with, even though the associate host name is [IP].ptld.qwest.net, and since they have some issue with trademark infringement ("Gmail") in Germany, it looks like they assume all unknown IPs are in Germany.

What does this do to me? Well, I use Gmail, and I can no longer type "gmail.com"; I had to change my bookmark to "mail.google.com". OK, no big deal.

But now, any site that has ads supplied by Google (LJ, /., others) tends to show me ads in German. In some ways, itapos;s more comical than annoying, but where I normally just ignore ads, they sort of jump out at me now, since they arenapos;t quite as clearly related to what Iapos;m looking at.

Anyway, is anyone else here using Qwest DSL, and if so, have you noticed similar issues since they added the 90.120.*.* netblock to the 70.*.*.* netblock they had been using before?

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I�am home sick again today. This is day 2.5 (I�got sent home yesterday). Iapos;ve had a chest cold and fever. Ry is just getting over it, and mine seems to be going downhill instead of up. I�only had 4 hrs of sick time saved up, so I�am taking an hour hit this week. Iapos;m thinking about using part of my 8hrs of vacation Iapos;ve got accrued, but that would make me sad. LOL.

Ry is back at Saraapos;s today. Weapos;d already paid for the week, so she might as well go. So I have a day to lounge around, finish a crochet project and get the dishes done. I�might cast on for my first real pair of socks too. Iapos;m not sure when the last time I�was actually home alone was. It is eerily quiet. Very strange. I�might even be a bad sickie and go out for *gasp*�coffee.

Anyhow, I�hope you are all doing well. <3

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

couch potato to 5k runner

I never realize how much I miss Just Wee Two until I go back.� Those kids and my coworkers are great.

Tutoring today was fucking bizarre.� Siona (the 2 year old) was an angel.� She learned and played and listened and was a total joy.� Anya (the 4 year old) was a different story.� I knew today was going to be difficult because yesterday the girls learned that Chrysta does not give in to temper tantrums.� I was expecting resistance and testing that resolve for another week or so.� But then Siona today was all smiles and going along and when she got bored/frustrated she looked at me and said, "No throw."� (She usually throws things when she is bored or frustrated.)�

Anya came home and demanded that I take off my hat because she did not like it on me.� I told her that it was too bad because I like it and it is my hat and my head.� (I am saying it nicer than this of course.)� She gets furious and�keeps insisting I take it off.� I tell her that I can wear my hat because I like it.� Just like she can change into her comfy clothes when she gets home from school because she likes them.� Big mistake.� This reminds her that she wants to change into her comfy clothes and when she looks for them, she canapos;t find them.� Paula, the nanny, comes upstairs and says that she just put the ones Anya wanted in the dryer.� So Anya throws herself down on the bed screaming and sobbing.� I explain that she can do this but we wonapos;t get to play computer games.� Anya yells that her mommy never buys her the kind of clothes she likes blah blah blah.� I tell her that I know that it must stink, but we still have lessons and she can have her comfy clothes when they are dry.� Will this do?� Nope.

Paula is in the room the whole time too, saying "you canapos;t treat Chrysta this way or she is going to leave."� Then she calls the mom.� The mom is too busy to answer the phone so (and I swear to God this happened) her momapos;s ASSISTANT got on the phone to tell Anya a story and calm her down.� Which worked until the assistant had to go.� Then Anya threw another tantrum.� At this point, I take Siona into another room and we read Dr. Seuss and play.

After a full HOUR of this, Anya calms down to the extent where she is able to speak through gasps to say "sorry" and demand lemonade and popcorn like her mommy promised her she could have for snack today.� Paula goes and gets this.� We go back to her room to do lessons.� These start out okay and then she yells at me for not doing something the way she likes.� I turned to her and said, "Anya- if you would like to do something else, there is a very easy way to get it.� And crying is not that way."� She pauses for a while to think this out.� "What?"� "Ask nicely."� "Please."� "No- tell me what you want and use manners."� "I would like to do patterns with the beads please."� "Very nice.� Yes, we can do patterns with beads instead of sticks.� You will get more from me when you ask nicely Anya."

And�thatapos;s some huge revelation to her because her parents give her what she wants whenever she cries or screams.� We keep going until she throws another tantrum.� And we have a talk to figure out what is causing this one.� Turns out that she doesnapos;t want to do the workbook because she knows that she wonapos;t do it right and sheapos;ll make mistakes.� Then we have a long talk about how everybody who ever did anything only learned by practicing.� And everybody has to learn and practice their whole lives.� Even me.� She asked about that so I told her what I was learning and this calmed her down.� We went through it very slowly and gingerly.� At the end I showed her how much progress she had made and it made her very happy.� I kept my word and told her no computer today, but she was surprisingly calm about it.� We went downstairs and she became all affectionate and offering me an umbrella. (It was about to rain.)

So- I think Iapos;m going to be able to weather the storm for the next week or two.� After that the girls should be used to me and everything else will be smoother I hope.

I am hoping Brooke will come for dinner Saturday night.� I have hardly seen my friends since I moved here.� Not that this is their fault.� Iapos;ve just been busy and liking the solitude.� Not solitude I suppose.� Being in a new city and meeting new people is important, right?� Iapos;m not going to abandon my friends by any means, but I need other ones besides them.� New relationships.� They have other friends besides me, so should I.� But now I am getting to miss them, so I am starting to track them down.

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circuitos combinacionais

Last night had not been her finest. She knew that her actions had been inappropriate, but that did not mean she had to apologize. He deserved it. Having hot coffee thrown in his face was, actually, the least of the things he deserved.

What he really deserved was ten days in that Hell, with the Scarecrow. That was what he deserved. Heapos;d let it happen

She struggled to compose herself as she knocked on a door, one she was becoming increasingly familiar with. This time, she had called before coming. She didnapos;t want to disturb his work like she had last time.

Well, no matter what she had done last night, tonight would be better. After all, any evening spent with Jonathan was better than an evening spent staring at legal documents, filling herself with caffeine. Though it wasnapos;t so bad when she was in Harveyapos;s office, helping him. She always enjoyed that.

Though, again, those thoughts should not be in her head. Think of Jonathan, she instructed herself. Still have to be on my best behavior, though. After all, she could not cross the line with Jonathan either.

crosswoods theater columbus, circuitos combinacionais.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

chekers on line

I think.. I m hopeful.. That i have lost some weight coz now i have to tighten my belt one notch up.
found my measurement:
�chest - 29.5 "
�waist - 22 "
�hip - 29.5 "
�low waist - 24 "

so i m hopeful i can achieve my goal... Lets c...

this tension of my passport is killing me.. Urgh why is it that i have to face so much of prob for a small matter. Never get anything easily.. While others gllide thru it... Tough luck

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thereapos;s going to be too many people there that I donapos;t want to see but fuck em they better stay out of my god damed way because when Iapos;m done destroying myself Iapos;m going to destroy everything in my path.

and then Iapos;m going to be staying at vinnys house with him, ant mann and ally. My boyfriend has to go home, though. Cause he has class the next day. I, on the other hand have no obligations because my boss is my friend dealer.. And doesnapos;t give a shit, and I donapos;t have school that day anyway. Hahahahahaaaaa


Iapos;m pathetic, yet magnetic
That is until the drugs are gone
Then I am a total dick until I get a good buzz on
Donapos;t want to fucking shoot myself, that would be a mess
I really should O.D. On
blow, I think that would be best

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

airline american company

Ive been philosophising;

hypothetically do you think its possible to sleep with�a first year�psychology student (*shudder) without punching them if they are really really hot? all first year students are ripe for the punching and then add a psychology major... *clenches fist.

I think it would be impossible super hot ppl are usually insipid anyway so this would be like a triple shot of obnoxious.
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